New Roof Installation In Orlando, FL

New Roof Installation In Orlando, FL

Recently our team at Home Builders Network completed a new roof installation in Orlando, FL, for a new client. The clients home in Orlando was affected by recent storms that hammered the area. The client decided to get an evaluation done on their roof to assess any damages. Our team came out to the clients home to find that parts of the roof were severely damaged. The client then took our evaluation to their insurance company filing a claim and receiving money to cover the damages. The client was thrilled with our assessment and estimate so they decided to choose us to remove their old roof and do a new roof installation in Orlando, FL. We began by clearing the damaged parts of the roof, removing any debris or damaged shingles. We then removed the rest of the old shingle roofing, and began installing the new shingle roof. We first installed the underlayment which used summit 60 synthetic underlayment to protect the home from any further damage. After this was completed our team installed new TrueRidge ridge vents along the top of the home to promote proper ventilation. We then finished out the project by installing the new shingles, these shingles are durable Atlas Pinnacle Pristine Oyster shingles that can withstand most outdoor weather hazards. To prevent another situation such as this, The home Builder’s Network, Inc provided a 25 year non prorated warranty for the new roof installation in Orlando, FL. The client was ecstatic with their new roof, and the fact that they now have a 25 year warranty .


Details of New Roof Installation In Orlando, FL

  • Featured Shingle: Atlas Pinnacle Pristine Oyster
  • Underlayment: Summit 60
  • Ridge Vent: TrueRidge
  • Flat: Flintlastic SA

Photos Of The Completed Job

Looking To Get A New Roof Installation In Orlando, FL?