Shingle Roof Replacement in Altamonte Springs, FL

Shingle Roof Replacement in Altamonte Springs

The Home Builder’s Network, Inc recently finished a shingle roof replacement in Altamonte Springs, FL for a client. Our team was called out originally to perform an inspection on the clients roof in Altamonte Springs, Fl and found their roof to be at the end of its life cycle. After consulting with the homeowner and completing a proper needs assessment we found the best solution for them was replacing the roof with Atlas Pinnacle Pristine shingle, color - Pewter along with proper water management through new gutters. We began the shingle roof replacement in Altamonte Springs by removing their old worn shingles and replacing them with the aforementioned Atlas Pinnacle Pristine Shingle. Once the job was completed the client gave us a glowing five star review. 

Shingle Roof Replacement in Altamonte Springs, FL Project Details

  • Featured Shingle: Atlas Pinnacle Pristine Pewter
  • Underlayment : Atlas Summit 60
  • Ridge Vent: Atlas TrueRidge
  • Gutters: 6” K Style Metal made on site

Highlights and Benefits of This Project:

  • Increased value to home and neighborhood
  • Roof System will not have black streaks caused by blue green algae for the life of the shingle
  • Wind resistant up to 130 mph
  • Considerable discount on insurance premium with new roof and wind mitigation report
  • Material and Labor warranty

"Exceptional quality, workmanship and customer service. Work was completed in a timely and professional manner."
~Mrs. Nichols

Are You In Need of A Shingle Roof Replacement in Altamonte Springs, FL?