Roof & Gutter System Installation in Longwood, FL

Roof & Gutter System Installation in Longwood, FL

Recently our team at Home Builders Network were contacted to do a roof & gutter system installation in Longwood, FL for a new client. The clients old roof was worn and had outlived its usefulness, their gutter system was also not doing so good as it frequently needed attention due to blockages or weathered parts needing repair. The client grew tired of the problems their roof system was causing so they decided enough was enough and took to the internet to find a reliable roof and gutter expert in Florida. After a short search online they discovered our team at Home Builders Network, upon viewing our countless 5 star reviews and seeing the work we do they decided to reach out. Our team visited their home and provided the client with an estimate for the job. Once a price was agreed to we got to work, our team began by removing the old gutters off the home, then we took out the shingle roofing.  The underlayment of the home had to go too, we replaced the underlayment with a new Weathermaster 200 Ice and Water peel and stick underlayment. We also installed Trueridge ventilation to promote proper air flow into the clients attic. The new shingles were installed next, comprised of Atlas Pinnacle Pristine Black Shadow shingles, these new shingles are made to last in the toughest conditions. We finished this roof & gutter system installation in Longwood, FL with the gutters. The new gutter system is a 6" K style black color gutter system with new gutter guards to boot, these new gutter guards will prevent any new blockages from forming in the clients gutter system, and it will extend the lifespan of their new gutters.


Photos of Job:

Do You Need Roof & Gutter System Installation in Longwood, FL?